My name is Kinga Wiktor. I live in Somers where I paint and teach from my studio located in historic & business district right in town.
Kinga Wiktor born in Warsaw, Poland completed her 5 year education in National High School of Fine Arts then begun 7 years of study At Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw where she received diploma with honors in Department of Painting. To addition to her diploma she received an annex in Batik. She continues her education in Post-Graduate Pedagogical Studies where she learns nature of teaching.
Shortly after Academy she starts to work as a faculty member of Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology Associate Professor of New Media Art Department. She is writing and performing lectures with following discussions about perspective and composition in history of art.
Providing theory and hands on exercises for understanding color and composition in visual nonverbal communication. She is also a faculty member of International School of Costume & Fashion Design, Sept. 2005 – Aug. 2007 Warsaw, Poland .Teaching specific technic of fashion drawings.
She has been painting and past 30 years and showing her art work in many individual and joined exhibitions in Poland, Italy and United States. She lives in Somers where she works from her studio in town. Drawing, oil painting, acrylic painting watercolor and gouache techniques she expresses herself the most. You can see passion for realism and sharp detail in her portraits, animal paintings as well as interiors or landscape.
2005-2006 Post-Graduate Pedagogical Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
1998-2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland, (Diploma with honors in Painting) annex in Batik
1991-1996 National High School of Fine Arts in Kolo, Poland
2024 Group show '' Explorations '' at Coldwell Banker Realty, Somers, NY U.S.
2024 Group show ''Moments " at Arbor Gallery Carmel, NY U.S.
2021 ,, Lifting Restrictions " MAC Exhibit, Milford, CT U.S.
2018 Art Colective EBBA Katonah, NY
2018 '' Offerings'' Gallery in Katonah, NY
2008 Joint exhibition; Monselice, Natale, Polacchi; Padova, Italy
2008 Individual exhibition "Invisible" Kurier Plus Gallery in Brooklyn, New York
2008 Final exhibition of competition "Light and Color" Gallery of Polish Society of Artists in Warsaw, Poland
2008 Pre-Auction joint exhibition in Gallery of Polish Society of Artists in Warsaw, Poland.
2007 Individual exhibition "Malarstwo" Polish Japanese Institute of Information Technology in Warsaw, Poland
2007 Individual exhibition "Kobieta i nie jej wnetrze" Lazienkowska Gallery in Warsaw Poland.
2006 Live Interview for Polish National Television "Kawa czy Herbata" Warsaw, Poland.
2006 Final exhibition of 16th National Festival of Young Painters "Promocja 2005" Legnica, Poland
2005 Individual exhibition in Club Lemon, Warsaw, Poland
2004 Joint exhibition "Emotions" Polytechnic of Warsaw Poland
2003 Joint exhibition of landscapes, Brama Gallery in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland
2000 Joint exhibition of Professor Kruczkowski's students, Ericsson gallery in Warsaw Poland
1999 Joint exhibition in Kroilkarnia in Warsaw, Poland
1998 Individual exhibition in Piekna Street in Warsaw, Poland
1998 Individual exhibition in Pickarnia Club in Warsaw, Poland.